You do have an automap to warn you of this, but even some of the easier enemies can take a lot of punishment, so it is often hard to concentrate on both at once, and you will find yourself in the middle of a battle trying to take out several gun-wielding flying eyes with your basic assault rifle, which can be difficult, especially on the higher difficulties. The enemies in the game are also positioned in a way that when you start fighting in any reasonably open area, you will either be rushed by several aliens or sneakily attacked from behind. It is quite scary to see the rough figure of a couple of large enemies suddenly blank them out. This makes the game very dark, and often the only things you can see in the distance are the blinking lights of a force field or computer system (which there are a lot of). The atmosphere of the game is created by one of the major changes to the Wolfenstein engine - shading. Your job is to run in, kill anything that moves and destroy the portal. It takes place in a scientific\office complex that has been all but cleansed by aliens, who arrived through an artifact that was brought back from Mars. Once you get over the fact that the graphics are limited by the Wolfenstein engine (a heavily modified one at that), Corridor 7 becomes an atmospheric and often scary game.

You see, it uses the Wolfenstein engine, an engine which, by the time Corridor 7 came out, had been well and truly eclipsed by the Doom engine, and so it was ignored for having inferior graphics. Corridor 7 was widely shunned by gamers as well.