Their Twitter account is currently suspended.Įternal Masters was released on Magic Online on June 17 and was available until July 6. The account later apologised and said they had been mislead and the evidence they had was fabricated. WotC started an investigation, stating that they didn't provide preferential treatment to any card vendor, distributor, or retailer nor disclosed detailed card set information prior to preview season. On February 16, 2016, the Twitter account accused 2-3 unnamed vendors of possession of the card list for Eternal Masters and insider trading. Because of the popularity and the limited print run, the distribution is WPN exclusive and partially allocation based. The set is printed in English, Japanese and Chinese Simplified.

A number of cards also change rarity to create a better drafting environment. Due to the higher MSRP booster displays only contain 24 packs, which is also the number required for a regular draft (three boosters for each of eight players), as the set was designed specifically for draft. Due to the higher expected average value of the cards contained in a booster and the lower print run, the MSRP of one booster of Eternal Masters was set to $9.99 (with the MSRP of a booster of the current draft set being $3.49). The 16-card boosters (the sixteenth card is a marketing card) feature artwork from Deathrite Shaman, Bloodbraid Elf and Goblin Charbelcher. Each booster contains 15 playable cards: 10 commons, 3 uncommons and one rare or mythic rare, and one foil card of any rarity replacing the basic land which would normally be found in a booster as Eternal Masters does not contain a run of basic lands. Įternal Masters is exclusively booster-based, thus no satellite products such as Preconstructed decks are branded with the set. Eternal Masters was inspired by the Magic Online-only set Vintage Masters, but adds some Modern-legal cards to make the archetypes work. It does not contain cards from the Reserved List, but it features many Eternal staples. Eternal Masters is designed to be a unique and enjoyable Draft experience, much like Modern Masters. This format includes powerful cards and strategies from the last two decades of Magic.Eternal Masters is a 249 reprint set containing some of the most sought-after cards from throughout the history of Magic - some with new artwork. With the exception of basic lands (Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest, and Wastes), your combined deck and sideboard may not contain more than four of any individual card, counted by its English card title equivalent. Modern games should last average length for a game (about 20 minutes). These are one-on-one games with 60 card minimums for the main deck (up to 15 card sideboard).