You also have the option to link custom hotkeys for repetitive actions, so you can spend less time clicking, and more time playing. RAID for PC supports a windowed mode with scalable windows, and has added changes to the controls to make it easier to play using a keyboard and mouse (or touchpad).

It also has some quality of life changes. It has fully-customizable graphics settings, so you can control what resources the game is using, and which effects you want switched on or off. RAID: Shadow Legends has also been updated for PC play in a number of small but important ways. The second you fire up the game, the difference is instantly noticeable. You’ll also see changes in depth-of-field, improved lighting and self-shading during battles, and more. The RAID: Shadow Legends team has added HD textures to all environments and character art, along with new animations, parallax occlusion effects, terrain animations, motion blurring, and a much higher frame rate. In terms of convenience and graphics however, a whole lot has changed. With a live, competitive game like RAID: Shadow Legends, it has to be the same. In terms of gameplay, it’s exactly the same game. In this article, we’ll have a quick look at what’s new, what’s the same, and unpack Plarium Play. RAID: Shadow Legends for PC has the same great core gameplay as the Android and iOS versions, but with a ton of extra graphical goodies and control customizations to make playing that much easier. RAID: Shadow Legends is available now on PC and Mac, exclusively on Plarium Play. Currently over 1000 models from anime, comics, and fantasy games.Put down your phone, turn off that laggy emulator, and get ready to experience RAID: Shadow Legends on PC – like you’ve never seen it before! If you want to show your support, or if you're looking for more models, try my Patreon. Making these workshops requires dozens of hours filled with mind numbing effort. Everything is saved to cloud storage, so the mod should be everlasting.

If the lighting feels strange on a figure, try deleting the Normal/Bump map url.

The normal maps are included for the sake of completion, but they were missing their Blue color channel. Internal names were wild (hot_man was one that kept coming up). Figures sorted as best as I could manage. All bases are attached using the Attach Tool, so you can remove them if you'd like. Give it a shot, their models are amazing quality, so they have to be doing something right: Not something I have time for lately, but still nothing like what I expected. I finally took the plunge and downloaded the PC version of Raid and honestly, not a bad game. Great models to use for RPGs or whatever. (I am not endorsed by Raid Shadow Legends)