He’s also very interested in blockchain games and contributes to our Naavik Pro blockchain gaming research essays, apart from being someone who is impeccably on top of the latest news in this fast moving space.

On the gaming side, he was a GM at Zynga (Zynga Poker, Frontierville), cofounded Rocket Games (social casino) and is currently the Founder & CEO of Blockstars (web3). Niko Vuori : Meet our newest Crypto Corner host! Niko a serial entrepreneur both in and outside of the games industry.He was also the co-founder of, a premier games consulting firm with Adam Telfer, which all goes to say - Tom is a games consulting powerhouse! Tom Kinniburgh : Closing in on 12 years in gaming and having worked on 100+ F2P games during his time at companies like Chillingo and Wooga, he’s spent the last 2 years focussing blockchain games at Pixion Games with a special knack for user research, economic design and tokenomics.

We have a bunch of team updates that we’re excited to share with you, and some more to come in the following issues! Today, we’re stoked to welcome: